The gallery is now officially closed but check back here for the latest info on future projects. I'll occasionally post artists that catch my eye like this guy:
He's David Ostrowski from Germany.
And the "Repo" show, if that's what you want to call it, was great. Most of the people who weren't directly affected or didn't support it didn't show up, which was commendable. There were a couple of irate individuals but the angry mob diffused as soon as we worked out some details. Some wanted to get the police involved which was something we had already looked into before the show, so we knew that would probably be a non-issue but welcomed any direction the night would take. The unpredictability of everything was most impressive and interesting. Thanks especially to Tori Franklin who helped identify art.
The conflict was a welcome change. Sometimes negative energy can be theraputic and it was an intentional way to put things into perspective on the way out. Aftermath has always supported an alternative to the alternative. No one person or art space can speak for the entire artistic community, which will always have critics and people who feel disenfranchised. I personally don't support some of the actions, tactics and attitudes of the group who stole the art. but a messy execution doesn't always mean the point is invalid (even if the point is hard to figure out as well (!)) I also don't think anyone is more or less deserving (or able to afford) being ripped off or vandalized.
It was a learning experience and regardless of the fact that we were taken advantage of a little as well, a lot of people got answers. Some got their art. Everyone realizes their complicity through apathy and as annoying it is to hear this story, it's not going to go away until people start taking action. I hope this gives artists the confidence to report (police report!) stolen art immediately because it's happening in a more serious way than this episode presents. I met a lot of very sweet artists who are still confused, which is really sad because they are the one's losing the most and I don't think it helps them when everyone is pushing their judgemental opinions. I recommend people follow the proper channels. I have learned that success has absolutely nothing to do with other people's opinions. Thanks for everyone's help. Thanks to John Berry who came by the next day and sprinkled flower petals in front, a la funeral procession. -- diana

He's David Ostrowski from Germany.
And the "Repo" show, if that's what you want to call it, was great. Most of the people who weren't directly affected or didn't support it didn't show up, which was commendable. There were a couple of irate individuals but the angry mob diffused as soon as we worked out some details. Some wanted to get the police involved which was something we had already looked into before the show, so we knew that would probably be a non-issue but welcomed any direction the night would take. The unpredictability of everything was most impressive and interesting. Thanks especially to Tori Franklin who helped identify art.
The conflict was a welcome change. Sometimes negative energy can be theraputic and it was an intentional way to put things into perspective on the way out. Aftermath has always supported an alternative to the alternative. No one person or art space can speak for the entire artistic community, which will always have critics and people who feel disenfranchised. I personally don't support some of the actions, tactics and attitudes of the group who stole the art. but a messy execution doesn't always mean the point is invalid (even if the point is hard to figure out as well (!)) I also don't think anyone is more or less deserving (or able to afford) being ripped off or vandalized.
It was a learning experience and regardless of the fact that we were taken advantage of a little as well, a lot of people got answers. Some got their art. Everyone realizes their complicity through apathy and as annoying it is to hear this story, it's not going to go away until people start taking action. I hope this gives artists the confidence to report (police report!) stolen art immediately because it's happening in a more serious way than this episode presents. I met a lot of very sweet artists who are still confused, which is really sad because they are the one's losing the most and I don't think it helps them when everyone is pushing their judgemental opinions. I recommend people follow the proper channels. I have learned that success has absolutely nothing to do with other people's opinions. Thanks for everyone's help. Thanks to John Berry who came by the next day and sprinkled flower petals in front, a la funeral procession. -- diana
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